Mapping Reads II

mapping SAM/BAM

Prep the environment

Install conda, configure path and channles:

!wget -c
!chmod +x
!bash ./ -b -f -p /usr/local

import sys

!conda config --add channels defaults
!conda config --add channels bioconda
!conda config --add channels conda-forge

Mount the drive and copy duplex files into notebook filesystem (in my specific case I created bmmb554_data directiory at the root of my drive):

cp /content/drive/My\ Drive/bmmb554_data/r1* ./

Mapping data with bwa and processing with samtools


Install bwa [also see Li:2012] :

!conda install -y bwa

Upload sequence of pBR322 from Zenodo DOI


Create bwa index files:

!bwa index -p plasmid pbr322.fa

Let look at bwa command line options:

!bwa mem

We can speed up process to give bwa more threads to work with. How many threads does our system have:

cat /proc/cpuinfo

Our paired end data is represented as two files: forward and reverse. We can feed these to bwa manually by typing their names but since we are inside a python envirtonment we can do this programmatically.

# Get the list of `fq.gz` files

import os

files = []

for file in os.listdir():
  if file.endswith('fq.gz'):
files = sorted(files)
# It is a list:

# We need toi organize these file names in pairs. In this particular case we want to have a list of two pairs.
# A flat list can be organzed into a 2 x 2 list using numpy

import numpy as np

pairs = np.reshape(files,(2,2))
# To make it more generic we can do this:

pairs = np.reshape(files,(len(files)//2,2))

Now we can run bwa to produce sam files:

# Now let's create a command line and execute it

for pair in pairs:
  cmd = 'bwa mem -t 2 plasmid {} {} > {}.sam'.format(pair[0],pair[1],pair[0][:5])

This generates two sam files:


Sam format looks like this:

!head r1-s0.sam

Let’s look at SAM/BAM format specification. Before we can use BAM file they need to be softed and indexed:

!conda install -y samtools
!samtools view -bh r1-s0.sam > r1-s0.bam
!samtools sort r1-s0.bam > r1-s0.sorted.bam
!samtools index r1-s0.sorted.bam

Alternatively, this can be done in one go using piping. First, let’s delete sam and bam files we’ve produced so far:

rm *.sam *.bam*
# Rerunning bwa piping output directly into samtools:

for pair in pairs:
  cmd = 'bwa mem -t 2 plasmid {0} {1} | samtools view -bh - | samtools sort - > {2}.bam; samtools index {2}.bam'.format(pair[0],pair[1],pair[0][:5])

Assessing mapping results

deepTools is an excellent set of tools for manipulation of mapping data

pip install deeptools
import os
for file in os.listdir():
  if file.endswith('bam'):
    cmd = 'bamCoverage -b {0}.bam -o {0}.bw'.format(file[:-4])
pip install pygenometracks

Upload annotaion of pBR322 from Zenodo DOI

Pull in annotaion of pBR322 from Zenodo


The bed file we just uploaded is not sorted. To sort it let’s install and use bedtools:

!sudo apt-get install bedtools
!bedtools sort -h -i pBR322.bed > a; mv a pBR322.bed

Now, create configuration file for pyGenomeTracks:

!make_tracks_file --trackFiles pBR322.bed *.bw -o tracks.ini

And visualize!

!pyGenomeTracks --tracks tracks.ini --region pBR322:1-3000 --outFileName nice_image.svg
from IPython.core.display import SVG